I was talking about wanting to possibly change the way I post or the frequency with a friend this weekend and he said "oh I bet there aren't a lot of gluten-free blogs out there because so few people have [Celiac Disease]."
I was quick to respond that in fact there ARE a ton of blogs and resources on the web for that very reason - the lack of adequate information has push people to use the web as a means of communicating about symptoms as well are recipes. I feel incredibly lucky to have found so many sources online and owe a huge debt of gratitude to the members of the Gluten Free Forum for their knowledge and patience - without which my discovery and diagnosis would have been a much more difficult process.
For that reason, I added to new sections: "Celiac Disease Information & Resources" and "Gluten Free Blogs" to the right hand tool bar. There are many more resources out there, but these are my go-to websites.
I was hesitant to originally list all gluten free links because when I was first diagnosed all I wanted was some normalcy and fun. I felt that there was an overwhelming sense of how hard eating gluten free is and how unfair it was to have to do so. Don't get me wrong, I still feel that way about having to live sans gluten, but I started No Gluten Required mainly because while eating gluten free is not always easy (or cheap) it doesn't have to be all negative.
I have been very lucky to have very supportive people in my life who have made eating and living the way I need to, to be healthy, both part of their lives and fun. Being able to blog about kitchen adventures and mishaps has been humbling and so rewarding when a recipe works out.
As for now, I do not think I am going to change the frequency of posts or style - I actually like the fact that most of the recipes are works-in-progress, not polished, finished products. I do want to try to see if I can get a photo in every post... well from here on out.
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