Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Bastille Day Salad

With almost every ingredient coming from the Logan Square Farmers Market, this salad was partial made because the refrigerator was mistreating the veggies and the cucumber was starting to wrinkle, but totally delicious. I steamed the corn the day I got it, to keep it sweet. (Sweet corn starts converting the sugars into more complex starch carbohydrates the moment its picked.)

4 ears of sweet corn steamed and then cut off the cob
4 slices of bacon, cut into 1/4 inch batons
1 cucumber cut into bite size pieces
1 bunch of garlic scapes cut into 1/2 inch pieces
1 tbsp whole mustard seeds
juice of one lime

1. In a heavy bottom skillet, sautee the bacon until its golden brown and rendered the fat.
2. Remove the bacon with a slotted spoon and drain it on a paper towel.
3. Over medium heat, sautee the cut garlic scapes in the remaining bacon fat until they turn a brighter green and become tender.
4. Remove the scapes from the pan and add in the mustard seeds. Cook until you begin to hear and see them popping.
5. Add the cut corn to the mustard seeds, stir until heated through.
6. Combine the corn with the bacon, scapes and add in the cucumber, juice of one lime and salt and pepper. Toss well and serve hot.

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